Home > E-Bay auctions going well

E-Bay auctions going well

March 3rd, 2006 at 01:48 pm

I just took a look at my auctions on E-Bay, and they're going pretty well!

toy - $14.00
toy - $ 3.75
book- $ 4.25
book- no bids
toy - no bids

These end Sunday, and I'll list some more items I have that are ready to go. I have my eye on some more toys that seem to be doing well - I think I should go and buy them so I have them on hand.

One thing I've noticed about this whole $20 challenge thing so far is that my way of thinking is starting to change. Instead of feeling envious when I see others in the cafeteria eating lunches they have bought while I munch on my leftovers from home, I feel good about my choices. I've started to calculate how long I would have to work to pay for that salad, pizza, and soda (or whatever) and it just doesn't make good financial sense to purchase overpriced food to eat at work, then have to work longer to pay for it.

I intend to use some of my challenge money to purchase insulating foam for the pipes in the basement. Shame on me for not doing this sooner! But I didn't, and that is one of my small goals for next week. I'll compare last year's bills with this year's to try and see how much this saves each month.

More later when I have time...

2 Responses to “E-Bay auctions going well”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Good for you for bringing your own lunch! It bothers me quite a bit that other people can "waste" money on lunch every day. My problem is, everyone picks on me because I bring my lunch every day. Yes I AM eating pasta - again. Yes I DO have soup - again! But I paid $1 or less for my lunch. How much did they pay? Those buffalo wings and chicken caesar wraps sure look yummy some days, but not at $5 or $6 per lunch!

  2. KarenSue Says:

    Sheesh - those people are crazy! How long do they work for pay for that food, that they are eating at work? You are just smart enough to realize this, and plan your meals accordingly. I hope you stick to your guns.

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