Home > Slow progress

Slow progress

March 3rd, 2006 at 12:45 am

I've been working and haven't been around to post for a few days. This job is new (about a month) and it is fun but also challenging.

Anyhow, three more books have sold! They are;

Parenting In the Pew for $6.47 profit
The Heaven Tree Trilogy for $3.36 profit
Pregnancy Fitness for $2.90 profit

So, that brings my total up to $29.75 for the $20 challenge. I went to the library today and spent $7.00 on more books. I also went earlier in the week and spent another $2.50. Also, I found some little toys that I think will sell well, and they cost $7.52 - I'm now back down to $12.73 for now.

I did collect and turn in .40 worth of bottles.

$13.13 is sort of an unlucky number, isn't it?

I seen to take one step forward and two steps back with this challenge! I'm trying to start with just $20.00, invest it, and make it grow. It seems like I'm moving more slowly than others. Now that I have more things to sell, that will hopefully change in March.

1 Responses to “Slow progress”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I don't think so, I got married on friday the 13th!!

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