Home > Wasting food

Wasting food

March 5th, 2006 at 05:44 pm

I read with great interest Flash's blog about how much food the average person wastes in a year. I'm going to try and be more vigilant about using up food items before they go to waste. I'm guilty of throwing leftovers out pretty often.

This morning I noticed that the milk is about to expire, so I'll make it my goal to use it up. DS is making french toast (with my help, he is 11) and I'll use the ends of the loaf of bread instead of letting them get stale and then throwing them away.

Sunday is a good day to go through the fridge and see what can be salvaged from the leftovers.

1 Responses to “Wasting food”

  1. braque68 Says:

    Can I make a suggestion? I am trying to do the same. If I cannot eat my leftovers, I will freeze them and this way will use them up another time. It is awful how much food is being wasted when there are literally millions of people all over the world that cannot even afford to have 3 meals a day and that includes Americans!

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