Home > Painting the bathroom

Painting the bathroom

April 3rd, 2006 at 12:57 am

Today I've been painting the bathroom. The ceiling is done, the caulking is done, and I'm working on the walls right now. I still need to put up the border, hang the towel rack, buy a rug, paint the door... Ugh! My goal is to be done by next weekend. DD's birthday is Friday and we're having family come over Sunday for dinner.

My SIL used to sell Longaberger, and I bought quite a bit from her over the years. This bathroom used to have curtains that were from Longaberger, but have since retired. I sold them on E-Bay and they went for almost $50. This money went for all of the new paint, caulk, supplies, and a new border. Pretty good trade in the end, and I get a new look. If I can figure out how to link to pictures, I'll post them.

I'm sure you will all be THRILLED to look at my bathroom LOL.

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