Home > Pete & Repeat

Pete & Repeat

April 10th, 2006 at 04:51 am

Pete & Repeat were walking on a log. Pete fell off. Who was left?

Pete & Repeat were walking on a log. Pete fell off. Who was left?


DD turned 17 recently and her best friend got her a turtle - she named him/her/it Pete. Pete lasted less than a day before going off to turtle heaven, where there are plenty of logs and rocks for lounging on in the warm sunshine and lots of lettuce to munch on.

Pete somehow escaped from his container and the dogs... well you know.

DH went out the next morning and bought Repeat. We didn't tell DD. We just pretended to find Pete under the sofa. We'll tell her eventually. She is 17, after all.

Dad offered to loan us some money, and did so. Now we have to pay him back, instead of the credit card companies. I won't tell you how much. Maybe one day, but not right now.

Work is going pretty well. As you can see, I haven't posted in a while - I've been working...

I guess that's enough random thoughts for now. Have a good evening.

1 Responses to “Pete & Repeat”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Ha! We did the same thing with DD's fish. She's 7, and she had a goldfish in her room that didn't last more than a few days. We replaced it twice before she finally admitted that she knew it wasn't the same fish, and she really didn't like them anyway, so we could stop putting in new ones...

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